brought to you by Reel Grasshopper Productions

Wednesday, December 19, 2012

The Hobbit: An Unexpected Journey (2D)

After watching this flick in HFR 3D I couldn't stop thinking about comparing it with a "normal" 2D showing - so off to the theater again I went... and DAMN are the different.

Even with intense pressuring I am not sure I can say which version I prefer, each one has its goods and bads.  The most noticeable difference was with the motion blur - after watching it in HFR, following that with a 2D showing, all the camera pans and high action seemed blurry or out of focus.  The HFR makes such an incredible difference when it comes to camera motion and fight sequences, the clarity is unparalleled.  

But that clarity doesn't help when it comes to incorporating CGI characters...

The first time around, with the LOTR trilogy, Peter Jackson utilized more real actors in full costume/make-up whereas with this movie it seems like he has forgone that for use of more CGI characters, and I think that is shame.  Gollum still looks amazing, but many of the others you see are clearly computer-generated.  Whereas in LOTR many of the Orcs and Uruk-hai were actual actors, especially those interacting with the primary characters, in this film that seems not to be the case.  For me it takes away an air of realism (speaking of a fantasy film that sounds like a dumb comment, but you get what I am saying, yes?) - and I will just go right out and say it - I thought that Azog the Defiler was pretty terrible.

On another note - I came across this blog entry that pretty accurately reflects how I feel about the movie as a whole (3D, 2D, and HFR aside haha)

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