brought to you by Reel Grasshopper Productions

Saturday, December 8, 2012

The Expendables 2

You get exactly what you expect from this movie.  All your favorite old school action superstars together again, fighting a similar fight all spouting their same classic dialogue.  Amidst the hokiness you did have some special moments - usually delivered by the better actors of the group (Bruce Willis, Jason Statham... and when they are "better actors" you are generally in trouble haha  But Willis made a valiant effort with the rather horrible re-used lines he was given)  Jean-Claude Van Damme does a shockingly good job as the bad guy, and while the female lead wasn't terrible I still wish they had cast a famous female action star to keep in line with the rest of the cast - maybe Lucy Liu?

Lots of plot holes and complete randomness... issues with continuity... poor effects... shoddy lighting... but getting the action-star gang of our past together again?  Priceless.

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