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Sunday, May 13, 2012

HOP - Lockout and The Raven

I have seriously been slacking... this hop was weeks ago haha  The movies were both pretty average, not particularly inspiring, and while I might not say outright "bad", I may encourage you to simply eat your popcorn and roll with the punches here.

LOCKOUT - This movie was the more brainlessly enjoyable of the two.  I am a fan of Guy Pearce, and he did a solid "tough but ultimately nice" guy with this role.  However, seeing as how every aspect of this film was essentially channeling its vibe from Escape from New York all this film made me want to do is watch some Snake Plisskin.

THE RAVEN - I was super excited for this movie!  I dark, gritty thriller with a distinctly intriguing plot, starring John Cusack?  Yes.  Granted, my first reaction after watching the trailer is "why isn't Edward Norton playing this role" but after actually watching the film I can completely understand why he may have turned down the script (if offered).  This is one of those movies where you keep waiting for it to get better, and it simply never does.  Granted I may have missed some subtleties, not being an avid Poe reader, but I am familiar with his most famous work and besides, this is a silly Hollywood action-thriller it should not depend on my reading of poetry for success.  Anyway, not great and not bad, this movie was nothing of note.

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