brought to you by Reel Grasshopper Productions

Sunday, June 14, 2015

Jurassic World


That is what you need to know... also, IMAX 3D is the only way to properly see this movie. And that is coming from me, a vocal opponent of 3D movies (or as I like to call them, "Migraine Bait").

So some of the plot points don't make sense, and maybe there are one or two unexpected un-answered storylines, but this film is still very much worth watching. If, towards the end, you don't find yourself screaming or cheering then you might want to have your pulse checked. 'Cause you might be dead.

Unfortunately there aren't many movies that get audible reactions from me, but as anyone sitting in a five-foot radius from me tonight can attest, I got rowdy.

Not much I can say without giving things away, but suffice it to say that the CGI artistry will not let you down, the movie pokes fun at its history, and Chris Pratt is awesome.

It is pretty hard to beat the moment in the original Jurassic Park, when the T-Rex bellows as the banner falls around it, but this movie has a scene or two that get pretty damn close.

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