brought to you by Reel Grasshopper Productions

Tuesday, June 19, 2012


Not a big fan of Woody Allen, I have to say.  I like some of his more recent work, like Match Point and  Scoop, but most of his work is a bit too "old-guy-hooking-up-with-girl-way-too-young-for-him" uncomfortable.  Yet on the other hand how can I not enjoy his sarcastic-nervous-jewish-guy act?  haha His films can be so... odd... and this one certainly fits that profile.  The [loose] plot is essentially dorky jewish guy (played by himself of course) gets awoken out of cryostasis to be manipulated into overthrowing an oppressive government.  This film is awash with weirdness - slapstick humor, low-budget set pieces, gigantic vegetables, orgasm-machines, and a poetry-reciting Diane Keaton.  Maybe quirky is the polite way to talk about it...

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