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Tuesday, June 19, 2012

HOP - Moonrise Kingdom and Snow White and the Huntsman

We continue my catch-up game with a halfway decent hop...

MOONRISE KINGDOM - The new Wes Anderson film, need I say more?  You know, usually I don't like Anderson, but this movie was a real gem.  Typically I find his films too disjointed; I am a very linear person and his movies would just sporadically jump all over and just when you would think "hey, I know what's going on" all of a sudden you wouldn't.  This movie still had a bit of that, as well as his strong emphasis on color and his theatrical shooting style, and it was expertly cast.  I can confidently say it is my favorite film of his thus far.

SNOW WHITE AND THE HUNTSMAN - In response to seeing this movie someone said to me "you know if the best actor in the movie is Chris Hemsworth, you have a problem" and that pretty much sums up this film.  Usually I am a fan of Charlize Theron, but she sank into Overacting Overload which has put our "she's a good actress" relationship in jeopardy.  And don't get my started on Kristen Stewart.  UGH.  Moving on... Let me move on to what was truly awesome about this movie - everything but the actors.  Costumes.  Set Design.  Graphics.  A truly eye-catchingly beautiful film.  But be aware - there are several scenes in this movie that will remind you of very specific scenes from other films (most noticeably The Neverending Story, and Lord of the Rings, and Harry Potter's patronus).

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