brought to you by Reel Grasshopper Productions

Sunday, April 29, 2012

The Darkest Hour

Haha this movie was so terrible!  I mean, my expectations were pretty much zero, and it still managed to be worse than that.  I couldn't even play the "who is going to die first, and who is going to survive" game because it was just so obvious right from the beginning.  Bad acting (laughably bad).  Bad editing (how many dips to black can be in one movie, seriously).  Bad scripting/plot/story (nothing made any sense).  It was a halfway decent premise, but the execution was lacking in every way possible.  As if I had a brilliant movie idea and then gave it to a drunk cross-eyed finger-painting monkey to write the script.

This movie was my darkest hour (and a half).  But don't worry.  The nuclear subs will save us all.

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