brought to you by Reel Grasshopper Productions

Thursday, July 3, 2014


Last night I saw one of the BEST movies I have seen in a long while.  Certainly the best since my last blog post back in December for 12 Years A Slave.  This movie was totally and completely amazing. You know me and my innate ability to pick out tiny flaws or inconsistencies, and while there may have been one or two things I took a moment to be like wait, what? (i.e.: re-appearing matches - you will understand when you watch) overall I was so mesmerized and captivated by this entire film honestly in this case those things don't even matter.

I am also not often surprised by movies, plot lines are generally predictable, but damn if this film didn't throw a few curve balls my way.  It was full of unexpected story jumps, as well as a shockingly good performance by lead Chris Evans.  The story was relatively simple, with a straightforward goal for the characters, and it wasn't muddled by "what happened in the past" flashbacks.  The story moved forward as the characters made their way forward in their mission,  the audience and the characters discovering the train along the way.

Unfortunately I cannot say much more without ruining the wonder of this film, but it was shot beautifully - extremely gritty and raw - with an exceptional use of light and dark, shooting speed, and unique style.

I think I may have to go out and see it again...

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