brought to you by Reel Grasshopper Productions

Tuesday, December 18, 2012

The Hobbit: An Unexpected Journey (HFR 3D)

I had my doubts.  Curious about HFR (high frame rate) and dubious about 3D, I was not quite sure what I was getting myself into for this three-hour screening (other than the obvious that Peter Jackson + Middle Earth = awesome).  Without a "normal" 2D showing under my belt it is hard to make any direct comparisons, but I can tell you this - the HFR certainly has its pros and cons.  The sharpness and clarity made the action sequences simply astounding, yet for other moments it was almost too hyper-real.

Normally I am completely against 3D, but it was used much more subtly in this film - so much so that I often barely noticed it!  And when paired with the HFR, it made sequences like the battle in the goblin tunnels and the eagle flight simply breathtaking.

All the techno-jumble aside, I thoroughly enjoyed the movie and the three hours flew by.  It had its cheesy moments (like the hero shot of Thorin during battle) and its downright dumbed-down moments (the Great Goblin's last words...) but otherwise a fun frolic into Middle Earth.

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