brought to you by Reel Grasshopper Productions

Sunday, October 16, 2011

HOP - The Ides of March and Drive

Through no specific planning of my own, I have managed to pull off an all-Gosling-all-the-time hop.  Tight shirts and side-swept hair abounds.

THE IDES OF MARCH - This film had a pretty baller cast, and with it's tight script was quite well acted.  My only real complaint there was that it took me a bit longer than it should have to sort out which character was which, and what their roles were.  To me, initial character development was a little confusing.  I also felt like due to my aversion to politics I missed a lot of subtleties of the film.  Despite this, the film was entertaining and kept me guessing as to the direction in which it was headed.  Who is double crossing who?  Oh right, it is politics.  Everyone is screwing everyone.

DRIVE - This film was a piece of work.  The vision behind this movie is unique, and the execution of that vision is played out with variable success.  The director clearly had specific ideas for each facet of every scene, as every aspect of each shot has a deliberateness about it.  The style here is undeniable - editing, lighting, directing, acting - everything about this film has a strong motivation behind it.  In my opinion it is a little cross-dissolve happy, the pace is a bit jumpy, and the way it jumps from one "feel" to the next is pretty abrupt (such as in the elevator scene) but Drive is a must-see for anyone even remotely interested in film.  The cinematography especially was pretty mind-blowing.

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