brought to you by Reel Grasshopper Productions

Friday, October 5, 2012


I really enjoyed this movie.  Any movie that is so entertaining it distracts me from what should be a relatively predictable end scores high in my book.  Throughout the movie there was a sense of "how is this going to resolve itself" which pushed the pace forward keeping the film moving.

Joseph Gordon-Levitt has been around since the early 90s, but it was not until recently that it seems his movie career has really taken off, and I think he has certainly risen to the occasion.  Emily BluntJeff Daniels and Bruce Willis were also pretty good, but the star was the little boy, five-year-old Pierce Gagnon.  This kid was extraordinary.

Anyway, fun times.  You should watch this movie.  Just don't think too hard about the time travel stuff. That always makes my head hurt...

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